ABe, The AmeRican bald EaGle, is The iconic national SYmBol of The GReaTesT naTion on EaRTh.
He sWalloWS fiGhTeR JeTS, cRaPS liBeRTY, and sheds TeaRS of liQUid democracy.
HoldinG ABe iS like oWnInG a Piece of The AmeRIcan dReam. IT'S PaTRioTiSm YoU can TRade. IT’s The moST AmeRICan ThinG since fReedom iTSelf.
god BleSS ABe and god BleSS The uniTed sTaTes of AmeRica!
ABe, The AmeRican bald EaGle, is The iconic national SYmBol of The GReaTesT naTion on EaRTh.
He sWalloWS fiGhTeR JeTS, cRaPS liBeRTY, and sheds TeaRS of liQUid democracy.
HoldinG ABe iS like oWnInG a Piece of The AmeRIcan dReam. IT'S PaTRioTiSm YoU can TRade. IT’s The moST AmeRICan ThinG since fReedom iTSelf.
god BleSS ABe and god BleSS The uniTed sTaTes of AmeRica!
ABe, The AmeRican bald EaGle, is The iconic national SYmBol of The GReaTesT naTion on EaRTh.
He sWalloWS fiGhTeR JeTS, cRaPS liBeRTY, and sheds TeaRS of liQUid democracy.
HoldinG ABe iS like oWnInG a Piece of The AmeRIcan dReam. IT'S PaTRioTiSm YoU can TRade. IT’s The moST AmeRICan ThinG since fReedom iTSelf.
god BleSS ABe and god BleSS The uniTed sTaTes of AmeRica!
ABe, The AmeRican bald EaGle, isn'T JUST the woRld'S most famoUS BiRd - he'S a goddamn national TReaSuRe on WinGS.
He sWalloWS fiGhTeR JeTS, cRaPS liBeRTY, and sheds TeaRS of liQUid democracy.
HoldinG ABe iS like OWninG a Piece of The AmERIcan dReam. IT'S PaTRioTiSm YoU can TRade. IT’s The moST AmeRICan ThinG since fReedom iTSelf.
god BleSS ABe and god BleSS The uniTed sTaTes of AmeRica!
ABe dRoPPed 345,618,582 fReedom Tokens —one foR eveRY AmeRican - and called iT a day.
No infiniTe money PRinTeR - thiS ain'T one of jeRome poWell's WeT dReams.
ABe dRoPPed 345,618,582 fReedom Tokens —one foR eveRY AmeRican - and called iT a day.
No infiniTe money PRinTeR - thiS ain'T one of jeRome poWell's WeT dReams.
ABe dRoPPed 345,618,582 fReedom fRaGmenTS —one foR eveRY AmeRican - and called iT a day.
No infiniTe money PRinTeR - thiS ain't one of jeRome poWell's WeT dreams.
ABe dRoPPed 345,618,582 fReedom Tokens —one foR eveRY AmeRican - and called iT a day.
No infiniTe money PRinTeR - thiS ain'T one of jeRome poWell's WeT dReams.
theY LoVe Abe
theY LoVe Abe
theY LoVe Abe